Friday, February 7, 2014

Here We Go Again...

Well, my blog kind of dropped off last time. For those of you who were wondering, I was accepted into the program to work Quick Service. That was something that I wasn't thrilled about. Fast food has always been disgusting to me, but I accepted the invitation because's Disney World. I paid my deposit, picked my dates, even had a roommate set up when a bank in my hometown called and offered me a job making way more than I would make at Disney. I kind of was already really nervous about going. I was just a baby at 18, and I wasn't sure I wanted to be away from home. So accepted the offer at the bank. Since then I have been back and forth about what I actually want to do with my life, and I decided on the spur of the moment to apply for the program today. I thought it might be a nice change, and I have a lot more job experience than I had the first time I applied and I am hoping that leads to a better job offer. I applied today, and passed my web based interview so yay! I have my phone interview set up for Thursday. My best friend (yes, and ex boyfriend) is leaving for basic training Monday, and I am super proud of him. This will be a welcome distraction as I go through withdrawals of talking to him everyday. So I'll update you guys after my interview Thursday...or before...we will see how I get.