Monday, August 30, 2010

One Week Mark!

Today marks the one week-aversery since my phone interview. That means in a week my trips to the mail box will be more likely to turn up that awaited purple folder. I am a bit concerned since I have not recieved my "Thank You for Interviwing" email from Disney, but I have heard that some people have had to wait a week or so for them last semister. Right now I have my Disney music going. If only Disney didn't wish to tourture us so with all this waiting. I will let you guys know when I hear something.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Waiting Game!

So it's been five days since my phone interview, and I am going crazy. Waiting is horrible. The time can't pass quick enough. So I thought I would write a blog about what to do while waiting.

1. Listen to Disney Music 24/7.

I have currently been doing this. I have a play list on my computer that is almost three and a half hours long and I keep playing it over and over again. I have songs from Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Aladdin, The Aristocats, Lady and the Tramp...and so many I can't remember, oh but Mulan and Hercules, defiantly those two. Put those on any Disney List.

2. Watch Disney movies over and over again.

I have watched Cinderella, half of Cinderella 2, Mulan, Mulan 2, Hercules, The Incredibles, and more.

3. When you get tired of Disney movies, turn on Disney Channel.

I have had up to my ears in Hannah Montana, Wizard of Waverly Place, Sonny with a Chance, the Suite Life on Deck, and etc.

4. Talk about Disney 24/7

This tends annoy everyone around you, but it makes you feel better.

5. Post on Chat Boards like MiceChat.

Find other Future College Program Applicants and you can be miserable together.

6. Watch past College Program participants Vlogs and read Blogs.

Learn about the program. Worship the program (kidding) Makes sure you know more about the program before you get there then after you leave.

7. Watch the E presentation over and over.

Nothing like living it over and over. Seeing it makes it more real.

8. Dress up like Disney characters.

This is more fun than it sounds...see


9. Practise your Disney Lingo...

Your fellow workers are now cast members, your job is your role, your uniform is your costume, and you end all transactions with "Have a magical day."

10. Learn random Disney Trivia.

Did you know Disney World does not sell gum, that Walt's favorite food was chili and beans, or that Mickey's first name was Mortimer till Walt's wife said to make him Mickey.

I'll try have a list of ten ideas every week until I get my letter. My sister said she hopes it's tomorrow (me too). Blog Later.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Online Interview and Phone Interview

Okay, so I'm starting my Disney College Program Adventure and I had read all these other people who had blogged their adventure from start to finish and I thought I would do the same thing, to help future college program participants. I had signed up for the email notification program to inform me when the application for the Spring 2011 program came online. On Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 1:25 p.m. the email came to my inbox. I freaked out and immediately pulled up the e-presentation and watched it. After that was over I filled out the application. Then I started to get butterflies as time came for the online interview. If I didn't pass this it was over. My adventure was over before it started. So I called my Dad and had him pray with me before my interview. Then I was all full of nerves till I got to the end and saw the message:

"Thank you for completing the Web-Based Interview and for applying to be a part of the Disney College Program. Congratulations - you have been identified as a strong candidate! Your next step is to call Disney College Recruiting to schedule a phone interview within the next 72 hours of receiving this message"

I freaked out. I jumped up and down and called my family and told them before scheduling my phone interview for Monday, August 23, 2010 at 11:30. So I waited till Monday in the meantime reading everything I could find online about the interview and the program. Monday arrived and I was so nervous. At 20 minutes till my time I shut myself in my room and at 11:30 I was watching my phone. At 11:31 I thought they had forgotten me. At 11:32 I thought maybe I had heard wrong and had the wrong Monday. And then at 11:33 the phone rang. Relief! The number did come through as Withheld for anyone else applying.

The Phone Interview is pretty much like everyone else said. At the beginning she confirmed I was me and that I wanted to apply for the Walt Disney World College Program. Then she asked if I was willing to agree to the Disney Look, had any tattoos that would show when wearing a one piece bathing suit, or was ever convicted of a felony. I also got asked why I wanted to do the college program, if I prepared to work fast or slow, and a situation I had to work quick under pressure (that one through me for a loop.)

Then we when to the role specific questions. First she asked if I was willing to do quick service food and beverage, and custodial. Then we went to the roles that I checked on my list. For attractions she asked if I had any public speaking experience and if I could memorize lengty narrations and speak them over a microphone. Then for character attendant she asked why I wanted to do this role. For the Bibbiddi Bobbidi Boutique she asked if I had any experience doing hair and what I would do if a child came in who was hesitant about having her hair done. That was my favorite question by far. For Merchandise she asked me if I any cash handling experience, if I had any professional computer training, and then personal skills on the computer. Last was Full Service Food and Beverage and she asked what I would do when a person came into my restaurant (because they are all hostess positions).

That was pretty much the interview. We went over a few things like living with roommates and pay rate. Then it was over. Now we start the dreaded waiting game...It's only been a day but I have been checking my email obsessively and I think I went to the mail box three times today...I know it's irrational, but I want the letter to be there so bad. So here comes 2-4 weeks of waiting before we know for sure...

Here is my list of roles I picked in order of preference:
1. Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique
2. Character Attendant
3. Attractions
4. Merchandise
5. Full-Service Food and Beverage
and if needed Quick-Service Food and Beverage