Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Online Interview and Phone Interview

Okay, so I'm starting my Disney College Program Adventure and I had read all these other people who had blogged their adventure from start to finish and I thought I would do the same thing, to help future college program participants. I had signed up for the email notification program to inform me when the application for the Spring 2011 program came online. On Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 1:25 p.m. the email came to my inbox. I freaked out and immediately pulled up the e-presentation and watched it. After that was over I filled out the application. Then I started to get butterflies as time came for the online interview. If I didn't pass this it was over. My adventure was over before it started. So I called my Dad and had him pray with me before my interview. Then I was all full of nerves till I got to the end and saw the message:

"Thank you for completing the Web-Based Interview and for applying to be a part of the Disney College Program. Congratulations - you have been identified as a strong candidate! Your next step is to call Disney College Recruiting to schedule a phone interview within the next 72 hours of receiving this message"

I freaked out. I jumped up and down and called my family and told them before scheduling my phone interview for Monday, August 23, 2010 at 11:30. So I waited till Monday in the meantime reading everything I could find online about the interview and the program. Monday arrived and I was so nervous. At 20 minutes till my time I shut myself in my room and at 11:30 I was watching my phone. At 11:31 I thought they had forgotten me. At 11:32 I thought maybe I had heard wrong and had the wrong Monday. And then at 11:33 the phone rang. Relief! The number did come through as Withheld for anyone else applying.

The Phone Interview is pretty much like everyone else said. At the beginning she confirmed I was me and that I wanted to apply for the Walt Disney World College Program. Then she asked if I was willing to agree to the Disney Look, had any tattoos that would show when wearing a one piece bathing suit, or was ever convicted of a felony. I also got asked why I wanted to do the college program, if I prepared to work fast or slow, and a situation I had to work quick under pressure (that one through me for a loop.)

Then we when to the role specific questions. First she asked if I was willing to do quick service food and beverage, and custodial. Then we went to the roles that I checked on my list. For attractions she asked if I had any public speaking experience and if I could memorize lengty narrations and speak them over a microphone. Then for character attendant she asked why I wanted to do this role. For the Bibbiddi Bobbidi Boutique she asked if I had any experience doing hair and what I would do if a child came in who was hesitant about having her hair done. That was my favorite question by far. For Merchandise she asked me if I any cash handling experience, if I had any professional computer training, and then personal skills on the computer. Last was Full Service Food and Beverage and she asked what I would do when a person came into my restaurant (because they are all hostess positions).

That was pretty much the interview. We went over a few things like living with roommates and pay rate. Then it was over. Now we start the dreaded waiting game...It's only been a day but I have been checking my email obsessively and I think I went to the mail box three times today...I know it's irrational, but I want the letter to be there so bad. So here comes 2-4 weeks of waiting before we know for sure...

Here is my list of roles I picked in order of preference:
1. Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique
2. Character Attendant
3. Attractions
4. Merchandise
5. Full-Service Food and Beverage
and if needed Quick-Service Food and Beverage

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